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Answer of Mr. Vitorino

Europa ohne Flüchtlinge

29. März 2004
Ratstreffen Justiz und Inneres
am 30. März 2004

Answer of Mr. Vitorino

I have to say that I am myself disappointed with the outcome of the negotiations so far and concerned by the direction some aspects of the negotiations have been taking over the last few weeks.

Not only because I think we should dispose of an instrument aimed at protecting those in need of protection but also at combating asylum abuse which has brought so much damage to credibility of the system…

This Directive is one of the building blocks of the Common European Asylum System and has to be considered as part of the overall package of asylum legislation….

As such, I consider it essential to reach an agreement in the Council on a satisfactory text.

Brief europäischer NROs an António Vitorino,
EU-Kommissar für Justiz und Inneres

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